If you have friends you don't get to see very often, you might have reason to feel proud of them the next time you do reconnect · Your Sobriety May you never forget the desperate moments you asked God to help you get through it May you continue to seek God's direction, and even though you are powerless, engrave this in your very depths of your being "You can do all things through Him who gives you strength" May you always be grateful for the smallest things2904 · You are truly a gem and I'm so proud to call you my girl I hope you know that I love you from the bottom of my heart Whichever thing you end up pursuing, my support is unwavering Your words can leave a lasting mark

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So proud of your sobriety letter
So proud of your sobriety letter-Proud of You Letter Ideas Telling someone you are proud of them is rewarding for both of you You not only get to express your emotions, but the reader gets to feel good knowing you are proud Letting someone know you are proud of them encourages them to keep up the good work Write your thoughts in a card or letter, and you will surelyQuotes and Sayings "When you quit drinking you stop waiting" "Laughter is day, and sobriety is night;

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Court Character Reference Sobriety Your Honor, I am writing this letter to speak on the behalf of {Name}, who is due to appear before you in Court on {date} on {charges} I understand the severity of these charges and make no claims about their validity, but I believe that {Name} 's behavior stemmed from {his/her} alcohol and drug use, which1407 · This day of celebration means as much to me as it could mean to anyone I have benefited greatly from your sobriety and your help over the years You continue to be an important source of knowledge, mentorship, and inspiration!Aug 1, 17 Explore Denise Grein's board "proud of you", followed by 734 people on See more ideas about proud of you, quotes, inspirational quotes
Discover and share Sobriety Quotes Proud Of You Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love · Letters of encouragement for a young addict Words to say when someone gets sober Recovery from addiction can be a prickly subject I love "letters of encouragement for a young addict" I love all these, actually I think the best recommendation I could give is just to be as present as possible Being present that means giving full · God, please make life easier for Wesley, I prayed Bring him peace I hoped he'd grow out of his oversensitivity once he was in school, but if anything, his moods grew more extreme At one point, I tried making all his food from scratch, hoping that if I eliminated additives and preservatives it might help him
So I'm not going to congratulate you on your sobriety, I am going to thank you I feel in many ways I have gotten my friend back And Im excited for you And proud of you, and just a little stoked for me to be able to hang out with you again and not constantly worry if you were going to breakDOWNLOAD Only Recovery Sobriety Written for those of us who may need a reminder of why and how this 24 hours is so special Also available in a downloadable card format "24 hours in a day No more No less That's all I have to work with To do my best to keep my thinking in check To pray often To trust that God cares about me and wants me to succeed · It's to proclaim from the metaphorical rooftops that I'm a sober woman It's to shout at the top of my lungs that yes, I've recovered and yes, you can too Consider this my coming out, of sorts I'm an addict in recovery I'm a sober alcoholic I'm a selfharmer who hasn't seen light shine off a blade in years I'm an eating

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I look to you for inspiration all the time, and this anniversary of your sobriety is no exception · You've really been on your Agame lately, and TBH, I'm taking notes 📝 3 I'm so proud of you, insert cute nickname here Keep up all the good work!13 · So proud of you my strongest!

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YOUR voice inside I know sometimes your voice reminds you of all the things you've done · As your parents, our greatest wish in life is that one day your own daughter will make you as proud as you make us feel every blessed day "I am Proud of You" Quotes for a Friend We both started in the same place, but you have come so much further than I have, and I am proud · Lorraine Reguly, BA/BEd, is an author and English teacherturnedfreelancer for hire Her life journey is motivational and inspirational Lorraine's book, From Nope to Hope, is a selfhelp book designed to help anyone who wishes to lead a happier life, and contains a builtin workbookLorraine offers 4 different services on Wording Well, including writing/blogging, and

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· As paradoxical as it may seem, I am especially proud of you when you are at your worst In those dark moments, when you rage and churn and feel like no one cares, I struggle to keep my cool, too—but I also understand that this separation from me is a natural and even healthy part of your developmentA smile is the twilight that hovers gently between both, more bewitching than either" "It's a great advantage not to drink among hard drinking people" "My mind may be sober, but my confidence is high!"1709 · I'm so proud of you for setting your sights high and making every effort to achieve that goal You truly are leading by example to ensure your team's continuing reputation for excellence You worked hard and proved to yourself and everyone what you are capable of Best wishes for your continued success Sincerely,

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0405 · An Inspiring Message to Mothers I hope my inspirational letter to my son is something that you can relate to And no, you don't need to have a degree to relate The main message within the letter to my son is that he helped me accomplish my dream He was enough to motivate me to do better, to be able to provide better for him I'm sure youThe Voice Of Addiction Well, it's nice to finally meet you I've been waiting for your call And I've watched you pace the halls I can make it disappear Nothing to live for, nothing to fear Thank you for your invention I'll be sure not to leave your side We'll become very fast acquainted · It is an immense burden to carry So let me say whether you have one day of sobriety or 10 years YOU ARE AMAZING!

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I'm So Proud Of You Have I told you, Grandson, how proud that I am Of the paths that you've chosen to take As you've traveled life's road from a boy to young man You've shown wisdom in decisions you make You already know that becoming a man Requires more than just growing tall Wherever life takes you, just give it your best,7 months is a damn amazing feat and each day comes with its own struggles, but today I am in awe of you and your strength love me For anyone in active addition, day one, day 90, 10 yeas and everything in between I'm proud of you, youre strong, worthy, and you can do this You can get through today sober1216 · Be Proud of Your Sober Life Anyone who has fought the battle against drugs and alcohol and come out the other side has the right to be loud and proud about their sobriety Whether you went to a drug rehab center or attended AA meetings, the main thing to keep fresh in your mind is that you are sober and should be proud of your accomplishment

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1510 · For those reasons and so many more, reading what you've shared with People this week – about your sobriety of 10 months and about what finally shook you – has moved all of us We are so proud of you, AJIn this world, you are my favorite person and sister I always fall short in words when it comes to telling you how proud I am of you Keep it coming Proud of You Messages for Brother Dear brother, I will be always with you No matter what you do you will always make me proud I love you and so proud of you · It will sum up the years that I've spent in pain wishing to have a better connection with you, the days (since I found out about the extent of your habit) that I've spent praying and crying

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· The purpose of the letters are to describe the changes you have made that contribute to your current sobriety such as new social groups, alcoholfree interests and activities that contribute to living well and/or practices that contribute to your spiritual lifeBecause every single day you make enough right choices to stay clean is a day to celebrate! · Your sobriety birthday is a great excuse to discuss these things with your counselor, your family, your support group, or your best friend In doing so, you may also become a role model or a source of encouragement for someone else who is struggling to maintain their own sobriety


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2403 · I know very well that you're doing what you can too, and that is why I am proud of you I always will be ======================== I am so proud of you, baby You'll always be my superwoman with all the wonderful feelings that you are able to easily bring to me I hope that you'll never let anyone tell you otherwise! · A phrase as simple as "I'm proud of you" can show remind them to be proud of how far they've come Go out of your way to let your friend or family member know how proud you are Acknowledge that the battle isn't easy and that they should be proud of themselves for staying committed to their sobriety · I am so proud and happy that everything is turning around for you Our lives are going to be amazing because of how hard we both work Especially because of how many things you are accomplishing I am so grateful for everything you have done for me I thank you so much for making me happy I am so thankful for you

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· We are so proud of you, son The future belongs to you my dear son Because you are making us proud since you have taken your first step on the soil Believe in yourself and go aheadYou feel so proud of yourself for completing your studies because this is the day that all the hard work you have put in finally pays off A new phase of life starts right after graduation, so, it can also be termed as the beginning of your success This is such a joyous and proud2506 · How to Tell Your Friends That You're Proud of Them "I'm so proud of you" messages are also ideal when you want to make friends feel better Here are some you might use 6 "Wow" It's simple but effective!

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· An Open Letter to Myself About Sobriety Matthew Ward Nov 7, 19 · 8 min read Photo by Kelsey Knight on I'm about to reach five months of sobriety I wanted to call this somethingHere are 101 congratulations on your achievements messages and sayings for you to use by themselves, or use in a congratulating speech or congratulations letter about achievement #1 Just like the first person to scale Mount Everest, your achievement is a testament to ambition and perseverance I just know you will be able to climb over any challenge that comes your wayQuotes tagged as "sobriety" Showing 130 of 128 "It's a great advantage not to drink among hard drinking people" ― F Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby tags alcohol , drinking , sobriety 13 likes Like "Better to sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunk Christian" ― Herman Melville, MobyDick or, the Whale

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· Dear Best Friend, I'm proud of you everyday you get up out of bed and march on with your day Even when it's the last thing you want to do, even when you want to pull the blanket over your head and never come out I'm rooting for you I'm proud of the battles you fight and win even if it doesn't feel like you do · Below are some short letters that might inspire you to write that letter to your beloved son 1 My dearest son As big and strong as you are now, there was a time in your life where you were so tiny and helpless You came into this world a squalling little baby and your mother and I were so surprised that it's possible to feel our hearts · You should be so proud of what you have achieved in the last 10 months You have come out of this hole, fighting and determined and have got what you want out of life Youre my angel, my rock, my inspiration and my soul mate

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· I may do a few more letters to Future Me this morning Maybe one to arrive a month from now, when I will have 36 Days sober under my belt, then again in 3 months, and 6, and so on Like a parole officer, making me accountable for my sobriety And the only person I'm accountable to is me My sobriety hinges entirely on my choices, and my choices alone · I Am So Proud Of You The worst thing they can do is call you and send you letters about your outstanding balance If you are exhausted, sleep even if you have a million things you are supposed to be doing Take care of yourself first or you will not be able to take care of the other things you are responsible for2611 · "When people are proud of their speech, be proud of your silence" – Luqman 17 "That wall is your mind playing tricks on you You just need to say, 'One more step, I can do this I have more in me' You'll be so proud of yourself once you push yourself past your threshold" – Kerri Walsh 18 "Be proud of your choices, not

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0715 · I am so proud of you You have encountered a lot of stressful, hard situations this year and the fact that you stayed clean during them all shows a lot Your drive to stay sober is what I find the most inspiring Many people don't make it to month six of sobriety, and here you are one year later, stronger and cleaner than everIt's like losing so much weight you can't fit into any of your clothes It's like losing everything you've ever owned in your entire life It's like nobody believing a word you said, even if it was the truth It's like being a prisoner inside your own headI want to say how proud I am of you That you have broken free of your addiction It's something I don't know that I could do Were I so sorely tried by your affliction My years of growing up were on my own, As you were in the belly of your beast, The two of us indifferent and alone, Most in need of love while loving least How sad!

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